Melbourne Comedy Festival: Tessa Waters - Fully Sik

Tessa Waters is Fully Sik
Tessa Waters greets every audience member with a high-five while the repetitive theme song of her shows Fully Sik plays at high volume, which is the only right way to listen to something called “Fully Sik”. Fully Sik!

Tessa is a physical performer, which is where most of the laughs come from. The show begins with her in a pillow fight with an audience member plucked from the front row. She lost the pillow fights in Adelaide, so she was hungry for a win in Melbourne. We’re on her side.

There’s no knowing where the show will go from minute to minute and the audience doesn’t care, because the show is face-achingly hilarious from minute one. From high fives, through the audience sharing a joint, past a beautiful rendition of a bush po-em called “I Fucking Love Opals”, there’s no knowing what Tessa will hit you with next.

Her mostly silent sketch comedy is a real treat. A Woman Goes To Work On Her Period is mime but as she broadly exclaims at the end, it’s “issue-based comedy”. And we’re with her on that. A Woman Takes A Bottle Of Wine To A House Party is brilliant in how she fully commits to the scenario and what a pay-off.

There’s a lot of audience interaction in Fully Sik but don’t let that scare you. The space is intimate, the party is wild and Tessa will make you feel comfortable whatever happens. Even if she leaves your head spinning at the end.

Tessa Waters is sik but is she Fully Sik? There’s really only one way to find out. Get down to the Aphrodite Room at the Greek Centre byApril 23.
