FOMO 2024, the Fringe of Missing Out

It’s been a long time since I’ve missed Melbourne Fringe entirely. Probably twenty years since a year when I didn't see a single show.

I’ve been reviewing Fringe shows for over a decade now, both at this blog and elsewhere.

For most of October, I’m off on holiday. Off to Canada for the first time since I was a kid. Trying to see as much as we can in four weeks. I am so excited.

So this year, it's FOMO 2024, the Fringe of Missing Out.

In light of that, I’ve made a list of shows I want you to see that I can't. 

Just don’t tell me how amazing they are, okay?


1. Ballkids (or, scenes from a friendship) by Liv Satchell, directed by Julian Dibley-Hall

This will be funny and moving, for sure.

2. Bad Boy by Patricia Cornelius, directed by Patricia Cornelius, Susie Dee & Nicci Wilks

How could you miss a Cornelius/Dee show?

3. I hope this means something by Patrick Livesey, directed by Benjamin Nichol

Livesey is such a magnetic performer and wish I could see what he and Nichol have cooked up.

4. A Brief Episode by Ash Flanders, directed by Stephen Nicolazzo

Love Ash and Stephen's previous collaborations. I promise, this will be hilarious!

5. This is the dust we're in by Hot Lunch

An examination of cultural legacy and what we're to do with Australian Classics

6. FEAST by Pony Cam

After a show about burnout, Pony Cam is going to feed the audience this time!


Have fun at Fringe! See as many shows as you can! Share the love. 

But keep it from me. I don't want to know what I missed.

- Keith Gow, Theatre First
